Racism against the Arabs is not Zionist

Baruch Kogan
2 min readNov 19, 2018


I do not understand Jews who complain about the Arabs.

Let’s imagine for a second that we had returned from exile to find the Land of Israel occupied by a totally different nation. A cultured, technologically advanced, progressive nation. A people who would never think of throwing rotting trash on their front lawn, routing their raw sewage down a pristine wadi, or burning tons of garbage daily to avoid the minor expense of proper disposal. People who treat their women better than livestock, who would never murder their daughters or sisters for objectionable behavior. People who would find the idea of throwing a molotov cocktail into the car of a Jewish family driving by, or of stabbing Jewish infants, or sending a suicide bomber to blow up a bus, repugnant and dishonorable rather than praiseworthy. A nation of conscientious workers, scholars, scientists, not bumbling incompetents with bought diplomas doing third world quality work. .

Let’s imagine that these people were not Muslims. No crazy stories about the akedah happening to Ishmael, Jews being turned into pigs and apes, a bright future where the trees and stones will tell them that Jews are hiding behind them, and to come and kill them.

In short, the opposite of reality. Something like the Japanese.

The majority of Israelis, especially those with money and influence, are completely divorced from any concept of Judaism, from national pride (as opposed from pride in national achievements,) from a Jewish identity. Their thoughts, dreams and conversations revolve around the more advanced Western countries-consuming their products, visiting them on vacation, and eventually perhaps moving there, or at least making Israel more similar to them. Imagine if their neighbors and rivals were at least on the level of England or Italy-they would capitulate immediately on all fronts.

How long would it take for Israelis to intermarry with these people and assimilate completely?

Israeli politicians, police and security officials are famously morally flexible and easy to come to an accommodation with. From stealing and trafficking Yemenite Jewish children to giving the holiest Jewish sites to our enemies for trifling personal advantage, nothing has been beneath them. If our enemies were economically productive and capable of running even a middling intelligence service, they could easily recruit the majority of our leaders, law enforcement and secret police.

How long would it take for them to hand over the entire Land of Israel?

God, in His mercy and wisdom, sends us enemies that we can handle.



Baruch Kogan

Settler in the Shomron. Tech/manufacturing/marketing/history.