Guilty of Being White

Baruch Kogan
1 min readFeb 1, 2018


Just so people know, what’s going on in South Africa is ethnic cleansing of the Afrikaner population. The people who are doing the ethnic cleansing (through a steady campaign of rape, murder, torture, robbery, etc.) do not have any historical or moral claim to the land that precedes that of their victims, since most of the Bantu arrived in South Africa around the same time as the Boers. What they do have is the adulation of the progressive “international community,” which secretly roots for them as they exterminate the Boer for their crime of being white.

Harvard, the New York Times and the State Department pressured South Africa to hand over the reigns of power to the Bantu elite, and now are silently complicit when that elite uses the Bantu underclass to exterminate the whites. They knew it was going to be the inevitable result, because all their saints like Mandela always turn out to be ogres when given power.

As a Jew, I know that the American elites and institutions want to do the same thing to the Jews of Israel as they did to the whites of South Africa, and for the same reasons. They are our enemies, not individually but as a whole.



Baruch Kogan

Settler in the Shomron. Tech/manufacturing/marketing/history.